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By - Ramona Reed

7 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Pet Boarding Facility

When the time comes to take a trip, whether it’s for leisure or business, pet owners face the daunting task of finding the perfect place for their furry friends to stay. Choosing a pet boarding facility is no small decision, as you’re entrusting the care of a family member to others.

To help you navigate through this critical choice, we’ve compiled a list of seven essential questions to address before settling on the right facility for your dog.

1. Understanding the Facility’s Accommodations

First and foremost, inquire about the living arrangements provided for pets. It’s vital to ensure your dog will have a comfortable and secure place to stay. Ask about the size of the kennels, the bedding provided, and if there are any personal items you can bring to make your pet feel at home.

2. Exercise and Play Time

Dogs need regular exercise and play to stay happy and healthy. Find out how often pets are taken out for walks and what kind of play activities are included in their daily routine. Facilities that offer ample outdoor space and group play sessions are often preferred, as they provide dogs with the necessary physical activity and social interaction.

3. Feeding Routines

Diet is another critical aspect of your pet’s care. Discuss the facility’s feeding schedule and whether they accommodate special dietary needs. If your dog is on a specific diet, ask if you can provide your own food and how they ensure each pet receives the correct meals.

4. Health and Emergency Care

Understanding the facility’s protocols for handling health emergencies is crucial. Ask about their on-site veterinary services or partnerships with local vets. Knowing that there’s a plan in place for unexpected illnesses or injuries will give you peace of mind while you’re away.

5. Staff Qualifications

The qualifications and experience of the staff caring for your pet are of paramount importance. Enquire about their training in animal care and how they manage different dog breeds and temperaments. A well-trained staff can make all the difference in ensuring your pet’s safety and happiness.

6. Cleanliness and Safety Measures

Inspect the cleanliness of the facility and the safety measures in place to protect pets. Clean, well-maintained environments prevent the spread of diseases, while secure fencing and supervised play prevent accidents and escapes.

7. Customer Reviews and References

Finally, don’t underestimate the value of customer feedback. Ask for references or read online reviews to get an idea of other pet owners’ experiences with the facility. Positive testimonials can significantly bolster your confidence in your choice.

Making an Informed Decision

Leaving your dog in someone else’s care is a significant act of trust. By asking these questions, you can ensure that you choose a reliable dog boarding facility that meets your standards and provides your furry friend with a safe, enjoyable stay. Remember, the goal is to have a worry-free separation, knowing that your pet is in good hands.
Before you make your final decision, consider visiting the facility in person. This will allow you to see the accommodations, meet the staff, and learn about dog behaviour to ensure your pet’s needs will be fully met. Choosing the right facility will ensure your peace of mind and your pet’s well-being, making your time apart as stress-free as possible.

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